UHL-Group Phospholipidforschung

WELCOME to the

Phospholipid-based Research

More than ever before, phospholipids represent the basis for innovative nanoformulations such as liposomes, lipid nanoparticles and micelles.

The research and teaching of our group focus on phospholipid-containing dosage forms.

For more information please attend the "Research" page.
In particular, we focus on translational research projects. This is performed in collaboration with academic institutions as well as industrial partners.

JunProf. Dr. Philipp Uhl
Lipoid-endowed professorship

Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

The expertise of our group is based on:

Icon Nanopartikuläre Transportsystem Uhl Group

Nanoparticulate transport systems

Preparation and characterization of nanoparticulate transport systems (liposomes, micelles, polymer nanoparticles).

Icon Tetraetherlipide Uhl Group

Tetraether lipids

Isolation of tetraether lipids and incorporation into nanoparticulate transport systems.

Icon Synthese Uhl Group


Peptide synthesis as well as conjugation to active substances or nanoparticulate transport systems.

Icon Nagetierstudien Uhl Group

Rodent Studies

Design and performance of rodent studies (pharmacokinetics, biodistribution).

We are happy to get in contact with you.

JunProf. Dr. Philipp Uhl

Lipoid-endowed professorship

Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

Im Neuenheimer Feld 329

69120 Heidelberg

News from the UHL-GROUP

Entwicklung neuer Glaskörper­ersatz­stoffe

Entwicklung neuer Glaskörper­ersatz­stoffe

In einer Kooperation mit dem Team um Maximilian Hammer, David J Apple Labor, Universitäts-Augenklinik Heidelberg wurde ein Antrag von…

Hengstberger-Preis 2022

Hengstberger-Preis 2022

Gemeinsam mit Dr. Florian Umstätter aus dem Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung Nuklearmedizin wurde JunProf. Dr. Philipp Uhl mit dem mit…

Rovance Förderprojekt

Rovance Förderprojekt

Unser Team erhält im Rahmen des VIP+ geförderten Verbundprojekts „ROVANCE“ - Chemische Modifikation etablierter Antibiotika mittels Peptid-Konjugation zur Überwindung…